SPIRALE serie Fibonacci - Milady Gioielli

SPIRAL Fibonacci series

GOLDEN or logarithmic SPIRAL, the most common shape in the natural world.

It is the shape of embryos, horns, vortices, hurricanes and galaxies; it is the trajectory that energy takes when it is not channeled; it is the path that free but harmonious evolution follows. Spiral motifs appear in symbolism throughout the world: in the region, in art, in dreams, in folk traditions and in mythology. In mathematics, the spiral is nothing more than a line that grows progressively closer to its center, or away from it.

The entire universe seems to be moving in a spiral. From human DNA to galactic clusters, from interstellar clouds to the rotation of planets and stars, from the motion of cyclones to the energy field, it seems that the spiral is the pattern of the motion of universal energy.

In the spiral, each coil constitutes an initiatory stage that recalls the next, an uninterrupted link of perpetual evolution.

And it is one of the most widespread geometric shapes in nature, just think of the climbing vine, the shell, human fingerprints, etc.

The spiral symbolizes the profound mystery of life and the unity of all that exists.

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