The energy of stones
Do stones have a meaning? Do they have a language?
Do they possess special properties and powers?
Sometimes choosing a jewel to wear is not limited to an aesthetic choice, it could also be a way – conscious or unconscious – of relating to the world around us and... above all with the
Stones, precious or hard, are distinguished by shape, color, size and chemical formula but it is nice to believe that each stone has a little magic inside it, a silent but powerful energy that also generates an influence, physical and mental, on those who possess them.
The esoteric “language of stones” is as old as the world.
Jasper associated with the ability to choose
Amethyst promotes meditation, awareness and introspection. It predisposes to self-control.
Malachite helps to face a change, strengthens the will to move forward without fear
Citrine quartz symbolizes the positive aspects of a person, good mood and cheerfulness (a ray of sunshine always with you). It stimulates energy and intuition.
Garnet: blood red, called “the stone of heroes”, it instills courage and strength of mind to ward off personal crises.
Apatite: Fantasy. Stimulates learning and imagination, psychic abilities. It is named after
Peridot: trust and regeneration. A small “shield” from anxieties and fears, doubts and insecurities, increasing assertiveness and clarity of thought.